There's an entrance directly into the moon rock that's easily accessed, but it sounds quite dangerous inside. Lunar Interior: Secrets - We've heard stories about extensive caverns beneath the lunar interior. We recommend seeking one out and pondering its mysteries up close! Similar rocks have also been found in various area on the planet, and the method of their formation remains a mystery.

Did life on our planet (which began in the seas) actually originate on the moon?Ĭubes of Mystery - Possessing unique metallic properties, it's hard to imagine how these cubic Moon Rocks formed naturally, but they can be found in great abundance here. Interestingly, similar creatures can be found in the Seaside Kingdom. It's probably best to observe them from a safe vantage point.

Take heed if tempted to study their unique shape and movement up close, as they have sharp spikes. Lunar Life Forms - The surface of the moon is harsh, but a few creatures do live here.