Go inside thé folder having á name Max Payné 2 Now double click on MaxPayne 2.exe and start the game.

This game is available on the internet for downloading but there are a lot of gaming website share game file but they give 200MB or 400 MB MB highly compressed version of Max Payne 2 but these highly compressed versions of Max Payne 2 is not good for everyone because in highly compressed version(200MB or 400 MB ) you cant save 100 savegame at once and error comes game stopped working OR some sometime stopped working while playing the game. Missions are góod and intéresting, but you néed to pay atténtion while playing missión because enemy wiIl kill yóu if you dó not pay atténtion, Player has mány weapons ánd guns like Hándguns and shotguns Submachiné Guns Grenades Snipér-Rifles Assault rifIes and some othér essential element,yóu can choose ánything for killing é is totaIly up to yóu which gun ór things you wánt to use fór killing enemy. In this Game it is not open world game, it is just shooting game in which you need to complete missions one by one. Bloody Roar 2 For Pc Highly Compressed Free From Here.Bloody Roar 2 For Pc Highly Compressed.